For the Public

Hi Folks!

Has Kentucky history always fascinated you? Are you interested in learning about the diverse Native American cultures that called Kentucky “home” for millennia? Or are you more interested in the history of Kentucky’s people of European and African descent? Do you own an ancient mound or earthwork, petroglyph or cave, campsite or village?

If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, the public archaeologists at the Kentucky Archaeological Survey are committed to sharing the findings of Kentucky’s archaeologists with you. We know Kentucky citizens are deeply interested in our Commonwealth’s unique history and culture.

From these pages, you can:

  • Access books, booklets, spotlights, websites, and documentaries about Kentucky’s rich and diverse cultural heritage
  • Request our help reporting or recording archaeological sites on your property, and preserving and protecting those sites
  • Ask questions about artifacts
  • Learn about occasional KAS volunteer opportunities

A celebration of Kentucky’s past is here for you. Welcome!

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