The community surrounding Creelsboro, Kentucky in the 1920s was an agrarian society. Many farmers raised tobacco as a "cash crop" that they shipped down the Cumberland River to markets in Nashville. Farmers also found other ways to provide cash income for their families.
But farm families in the Creelsboro area generally did not need substantial cash income. They were largely self-sufficient, growing and preserving most of their own food, raising their own meat, keeping chickens for eggs and a cow for milk. Some even raised sheep for wool.
But if a family did grow a surplus of a crop - like pumpkins - they could load it in their wagon and take them to town to sell or barter. Pumpkins need full sun, rich soil, and lots of space. Not every farm family could devote the space needed to grow a pumpkin patch. Those that could had ready customers for their produce.
Today's teens have a wide array of ways to interact with their friends. They can talk at school, text, use social media, drive to each other's homes, or meet at a restaurant or movie theater.
In the 1920s, the possibilities to talk to a boyfriend or girlfriend were limited. By the time they were old enough to date, many teens had dropped out of school. Any vehicle a family owned, whether a wagon or a truck, was likely needed on the farm or for the family business. And of course, there was no World Wide Web - or even telephones!
In Creelsboro in the early 20th century, teens might be able to go out together in a boat. If teens went to the same church, they might meet there. But the most common place to meet with friends was in Creelsboro on a Saturday afternoon, when almost everyone came to town to shop and socialize. If there was a dance in town that evening, Saturday was even more exciting!
Soundtracks add to our enjoyment of movies and videos. Creelsboro and the Cumberland: A Living History features "old-time" music created for the documentary's soundtrack by musician Eli Bedel.
Bedel and the production team researched traditional, old-time songs from the Appalachian region for use in historical sections of the documentary. Bedel arranged and played fourteen oldtime songs. He also played a series of short "mood" instrumentals for transitions in the documentary.
The musicians on the front porch of the Irvin Store in Dennis Thrasher's painting might very well have been playing one of the old-time Appalachian songs that Bedel recorded.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor leo turpis, vel consequat est consectetur non. Nullam non felis tristique, egestas lorem nec, porta erat. Maecenas ullamcorper turpis ligula, eget tincidunt dui blandit eu. Fusce lobortis tortor ac turpis malesuada egestas. Nullam varius lorem ac quam dapibus ultrices. Nullam augue mi, efficitur et nunc in, tristique cursus erat. Nullam varius tincidunt ex sed vestibulum. Donec quis vestibulum ex. Nulla diam purus, ultrices ut ex ac, porta varius eros. Vestibulum lacinia turpis justo, ut aliquet mi viverra eu. Pellentesque dignissim mi ut interdum dapibus. Praesent blandit sed metus eget posuere. Nunc quis velit nec leo ultrices efficitur. Quisque eleifend erat non cursus fermentum. Duis rutrum ultrices blandit. Etiam non interdum risus.
Ut nulla metus, tincidunt quis elementum a, accumsan eu magna. Nunc at posuere nibh. In viverra rhoncus lacus ut posuere. Praesent aliquet justo eget odio porta eleifend. In semper leo ultrices, aliquet turpis quis, feugiat nisl. Nunc fringilla orci interdum lorem egestas, vel elementum tortor suscipit. Etiam ut faucibus eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor leo turpis, vel consequat est consectetur non. Nullam non felis tristique, egestas lorem nec, porta erat. Maecenas ullamcorper turpis ligula, eget tincidunt dui blandit eu. Fusce lobortis tortor ac turpis malesuada egestas. Nullam varius lorem ac quam dapibus ultrices. Nullam augue mi, efficitur et nunc in, tristique cursus erat. Nullam varius tincidunt ex sed vestibulum. Donec quis vestibulum ex. Nulla diam purus, ultrices ut ex ac, porta varius eros. Vestibulum lacinia turpis justo, ut aliquet mi viverra eu. Pellentesque dignissim mi ut interdum dapibus. Praesent blandit sed metus eget posuere. Nunc quis velit nec leo ultrices efficitur. Quisque eleifend erat non cursus fermentum. Duis rutrum ultrices blandit. Etiam non interdum risus.
Ut nulla metus, tincidunt quis elementum a, accumsan eu magna. Nunc at posuere nibh. In viverra rhoncus lacus ut posuere. Praesent aliquet justo eget odio porta eleifend. In semper leo ultrices, aliquet turpis quis, feugiat nisl. Nunc fringilla orci interdum lorem egestas, vel elementum tortor suscipit. Etiam ut faucibus eros.